Contravention Penalty Points
Contravention Maltese | Contravention English | Penalty Points Code | Minimum Points | Maximum Points |
Driver li ma waqafx f'kaz ta' incident. | Driver not stopping in case of accident. | AC-1 | 5 | 10 |
Bhala persuna uzajt xi tyre imgannat | As a person you used a sectional tyre on any road | CU-2 | 2 | 2 |
Uzajt xi tyre li kien daqshekk mikul li seta ghamel hsara lit-triq, hsejjes zejda jew seta jikkaguna vibrazzjonijiet jew seta kien periklu lejn haddiehor li kien fit-triq | As a person you used any tyre which was worn out in a way that it might have caused damage to the road, undue noise, vibration or danger to other road users | CU-2 | 2 | 2 |
Bħala persuna soqt vettura bil-mutur għall-kiri jew karrozza self-drive li fuqha jkun hemm iktar passiġġieri minn numru indikat fil-liċenza | As a person you drove any motor vehicle for hire or self drive car on which there are more passengers than the number indicated on the relative licence | CU-4 | 2 | 2 |
Bħala persuna soqt vettura li kienet mgħobbija żżejjed hekk li stajt toħloq periklu lil terzi persuni | As a person you drove any motor vehicle which was so overloaded with goods as to constitute danger to third parties | CU-4 | 2 | 2 |
Bħala persuna soqt vettura li kienet mgħobbija żżejjed b’passiġġieri hekk li stajt toħloq periklu lill-passiġġieri li jinġarru fiha | As a person you drove any motor vehicle which was so overloaded with passengers as to constitute danger to the passengers carried therein or thereon | CU-4 | 2 | 2 |
Bhala sid tal-vettura bil-mutur, inqast li tara li l-vettura kellha dejjem u f`kull zmien licenza ghac-cirkolazzjoni mahruga mill-Awtorita | As the owner of the motor vehicle, you failed to ensure that the vehicle was at all times covered by the necessary licence issued by the Authority | LC-3 | 3 | 6 |
Soqt jew ippermettejt li tithalla vettura kemm jekk fit-triq, kemm jekk ipparkjata minghajr licenza ghac-cirkolazzjoni mahruga mill-Awtorita kompetenti | Driven or permitted to be driven whilst being on the road or whilst being parked, without the circulation licence issued by the competent Authority | LC-3 | 3 | 6 |
Bħala persuna soqt vettura bil-mutur elenkata fl-Ewwel Skeda fi triq pubblika meta ma` kellekx liċenza tas-sewqan valida jew permess għal min ikun qed jitgħallem, maħrug mill-Awtorita, jew liċenza tas-sewqan valida maħruga mill-Awtorita kompetenti f`pajjiz ieħor | As a person you drove on a road any of the vehicles listed in the First Schedule when you did not have a valid driving licence or a learner`s permit issued by the Authority or a valid driving licence issued by any other competent Authority in any other country | LC-4 | 3 | 6 |
Bħala persuna żammejt u, jew għamilt użu minn xi telefon ċellulari li jinżamm fl-idejn waqt li kont qed issuq vettura bil-mutur (fil-kategoriji M1, N1) u, jew motor cycle u, jew e-kickscooter u, jew waqt li t-tali vettura bil-mutur u, jew motor cycle u, jew e-kickscooter kienu weqfin fit-traffiku | As a person you held and, or made use of any hand-held mobile device whilst driving a motor vehicle (in categories M1, N1) and, or motor cycles and, or e-kickscooters and, or whilst such motor vehicle and, or motor cycles and, or e-kickscooters are stationary in traffic | MS-2 | 6 | 9 |
Bħala persuna waqt li kont qieghed issuq kick scooter elettriku għamilt użu minn jew żżammejt f`idejk mowbajl jew kull oġġett ieħor | While riding an e-kick scooter you made use of, or held in one`s hands, a mobile phone or any other object | MS-2 | 3 | 6 |
Waqt li kont qed issuq karozza tal-passiggieri nqast li tilbes cintorin tas-sigurta` | Failed to wear seat belt whilst driving a motor vehicle not being a bus | MS-3 | 3 | 3 |
Bħala persuna waqt li kont qieghed issuq kick scooter elettriku għamilt użu minn headphones, earphones jew sistemi jew aġġeġġi oħra li setgħu jnaqssu jew jimpedixxu s-smiegħ | While riding an e-kick scooter you made use of headphones, earphones or any other system or gadget which may hinder or impede hearing | MS-4 | 3 | 6 |
Bħala persuna ilbist fil-widna li hi l-eqreb lejn it-tieqa kwalunkwe apparat li jintlibes ġewwa jew fuq il-widnejn, jew kwalunkwe apparat simili, waqt li kont qed issuq vettura bil-mutur (fil-kategoriji M1, N1) u, jew waqt li t-tali vettura bil-mutur kienet wieqfa fit-traffiku | As a person you wore in the ear which is closest to the window any in-ear or over-ear device or any similar device, whilst driving a motor vehicle and, or whilst such motor vehicle (in categories M1, N1) is stationary in traffic | MS-5 | 6 | 9 |
Bħala persuna għamilt użu minn apparat hands-free li jintlibes ġol-widna jew fuq il-widna jew kwalunkwe apparat simili fiż-żewġ widnejn waqt li kont wieqaf fit-traffiku u, jew isuq xi motor cycle u, jew e-kickscooter | As a person you wore or made use of an in-ear or over-ear hands-free device or any similar device in both ears whilst stationary in traffic and, or driving any motor cycle and, or e-kickscooter | MS-6 | 6 | 9 |
Bħala persuna żammejt u, jew għamilt użu minn xi telefon ċellulari li jinżamm fl-idejn waqt li kont qed issuq vettura bil-mutur (għall-kiri tal-kategorija M1, M2 jew M3 u, jew issuq vettura bil-mutur fil-kategorija N2 jew N3 jew kwalunkwe vettura oħra mmexxija b’forza mekkanika għall-ġarr ta’ ħwejjeġ) u, jew waqt li t-tali vettura bil-mutur kienu weqfin fit-traffiku | As a person you held and, or made use of any hand-held mobile device whilst driving a motor vehicle (in categories M1, M2 or M3 motor vehicle for hire and, or driving an N2 or N3 category motor vehicle or any other mechanically propelled machinery for the carriage of goods), or whilst such motor vehicle are stationary in traffic | MS-7 | 6 | 9 |
Bħala persuna ilbist fil-widna li hi l-eqreb lejn it-tieqa kwalunkwe apparat li jintlibes ġewwa jew fuq il-widnejn, jew kwalunkwe apparat simili, waqt li kont qed issuq vettura bil-mutur (fil-kategoriji M1, M2 jew M3 għall-kiri jew bi ħlas jew vettura fil-kategoriji N2 jew N3 jew kwalunkwe makkinarju li jaħdem b’mezzi mekkaniċi għall-ġarr tal-merkanzija) u, jew waqt li t-tali vettura bil-mutur kienet wieqfa fit-traffiku | As a person you wore in the ear which is closest to the window any in-ear or over-ear device or any similar device, whilst driving a motor vehicle (in categories M1, M2 or M3 motor vehicle for hire and, or driving an N2 or N3 category motor vehicle or any other mechanically-propelled machinery for the carriage of goods) and, or whilst such motor vehicle is stationary in traffic | MS-8 | 6 | 9 |
Bħala persuna għamilt użu minn apparat hands-free li jintlibes ġol-widna jew fuq il-widna jew kwalunkwe apparat simili fiż-żewġ widnejn waqt li kont wieqaf fit-traffiku u, jew isuq xi motor cycle u, jew e-kickscooter (għall-kiri jew bi ħlas) | As a person you wore or made use of an in-ear or over-ear hands-free device or any similar device in both ears whilst stationary in traffic and, or driving any motor cycle and, or e-kickscooter (for hire or reward) | MS-9 | 6 | 9 |
Soqt bi speed eċċessiv aktar minn 15-il km/siegħa fuq il-limitu | Driving at an excessive speed over 15km/hr over the limit | PH-1 | 4 | 6 |
Soqt bi speed eċċessiv aktar minn 15-il km/siegħa fuq il-limitu | Driving at an excessive speed over 15km/hr over the limit | PH-1 | 4 | 6 |
Soqt bi speed eċċessiv sa 15-il km/siegħa fuq il-limitu | Driving at an excessive speed up to 15km/hr over the limit | PH-1 | 3 | 6 |
Soqt bi speed eċċessiv sa 15-il km/siegħa fuq il-limitu | Driving at an excessive speed up to 15km/hr over the limit | PH-1 | 3 | 6 |
Soqt il-vettura b'velocita` eccessiva | Exceeded speed limit | PH-1 | 3 | 6 |
Failing to observe the speed limit of a maximum speed of 10km/h when driving an e-kick scooter on foot paths, promenades, pedestrian zones and and cycle paths | Failing to observe the speed limit of a maximum speed of 10km/h when driving an e-kick scooter on foot paths, promenades, pedestrian zones and and cycle paths (more than 5 km / hr) | PH-1 | 6 | 6 |
Bħala persuna soqt kick scooter elettriku u inqast li tosserva l-limiti ta’ veloċità massima ta’10 km/siegħa għal sewqan f’mogħdijiet tar-riġel, promenades, żoni pedonali u mogħdijiet għar-rota (sa 5 km / siegha) | Failing to observe the speed limit of a maximum speed of 10km/h when driving an e-kick scooter on foot paths, promenades, pedestrian zones and and cycle paths (up to 5 km /hr) | PH-1 | 3 | 6 |
Bħala persuna soqt kick scooter elettriku u inqast li tosserva l-limiti ta’ veloċità massima ta’ 20 km/siegħa (iktar minn 5 km/siegha) | Failing to observe the speed limit of a maximum speed of 20km/h when driving an e-kick scooter on roads (more than 5 kms/hr | PH-1 | 6 | 6 |
Bħala persuna soqt kick scooter elettriku u inqast li tosserva l-limiti ta’ veloċità massima ta’ 20 km/siegħa (sa 5 Km/siegha) | Failing to observe the speed limit of a maximum speed of 20km/h when driving an e-kick scooter on roads (up to 5kms) | PH-1 | 3 | 6 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' marki tal-karreggata ( Post ta' qsim tal-pedestrians ) | Contravening Carriageway Marking ( Pedestrian Crossing ) | PH-2 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' Sinjal tat-Traffiku ( Sinjal ta' post ta' qsim tal-pedestrians ) | Contravening Traffic Sign ( Pedestrian Crossing Sign ) | PH-2 | 3 | 5 |
Nuqqas ta' waqfien jew tmexxija bil-mod f'post ta'qsim ghal nies bil-pass. | Not stopping or slowing at zebra crossing. | PH-2 | 3 | 5 |
Waqt li kont qed issuq ħrigt `il barra fuq salib it-toroq jew għaqda ta` toroq waqt li s-sinjal tad-dawl tat-traffiku kien aħmar | Whilst driving a motor vehicle you emerged on the intersecting road or junction through a red signal | TS-1 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' marki tal-karreggata ( Linji bojod kontinwi ) | Contravening Double continuous white lines | TS-2 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' Sinjal tat-Traffiku ( Ma hemmx dawrien ghax-xellug ) | Contravening Traffic Sign ( No left turn ) | TS-3 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' Sinjal tat-Traffiku ( Ma hemmx dawrien ghall-lemin ) | Contravening Traffic Sign ( No right turn) | TS-3 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' Sinjal tat-Traffiku ( Ma tistax iddur lura ) | Contravening Traffic Sign ( No U-turn ) | TS-3 | 3 | 5 |
Bħala persuna waqt li kont qieghed issuq kick scooter elettriku soqt kontra d-direzzjoni tat-traffiku sakemm ma kienx hemm sinjal fit-triq li juri li huwa permess is-sewqan kontra d-direzzjoni tat-traffiku | You drove an e-kickscooter against the direction of traffic unless there is a road sign and marking which indicates that driving against the direction of traffic is permitted | TS-3 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravenzjoni ta' Sinjal tat-Traffiku (Ebda Dħul minn din in-naħa) | Contravening Traffic Sign (No Entry from this side) | TS-4 | 3 | 3 |
Qbiz ta' xi vettura minn fuq linja bajda mizbuha, jew minn fuq studs imwahhla madwar kantuniera jew liwja | Overtaking a motor vehicle over a painted white line or over fixed studs round a corner or bend | TS-5 | 3 | 5 |
Qbizt vettura ohra li kienet miexja fl-istess direzzjoni meta kien hemm linja bajda mizbugh , jew studs imwahhla, jew madwar kantuniera jew liwja | You overtook another motor vehicle proceeding in the same direction where a white line was painted, or studs fixed or round a corner or a bend | TS-5 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' marki tal-karreggata ( Linja ta' waqfien ) | Contravening Carriageway Marking ( Stop line ) | TS-6 | 3 | 5 |
Kontravvenzjoni ta' Sinjal tat-Traffiku ( Sinjal biex tieqaf ) | Contravening Traffic Sign ( Stop Sign ) | TS-6 | 3 | 5 |