My eServices through eID
Why should I use my eID for registration purposes?
You can now register for eServices using your E-ID account. Benefits from doing so are that it’s faster, more convenient and you would have immediate access to eServices without the hassle of encountering any of our officials for the signing of the agreement.
What will I gain by registering for eServices using my eID?
When you register for eServices by using your e-ID you will be provided the contract online and once you validate it, you will be able to log in and use your eServices. A better explanation of the process is provided in the next FAQ. This service provides you with instant information of any contraventions on your vehicle/s or ID Card. Such service even provides SMS (optional) notifications and email notifications which also include reminders of upcoming Tribunals. This will put your mind at rest, knowing that you have constant reminders of any upcoming Tribunals or Pending Contraventions.
How do I register for eservices using the eID?
If you are already an e-ID registered user:
- Click on “Register for eServices” image from the Home page or click the “Register” (at the top right).
Click on the ID Registration button as per screenshot hereunder.
- You will be requested to sign in using your e-ID credentials.
Once you sign in you need to click on Continue and the following message box is prompted.
- Click on Proceed.
- If you do not have an eServices account the page will redirect you to create an account. All details would already be prompted, you would just need to confirm your details especially the email address. You also need to make sure that you have access to the said email shown and you can proceed to Subscribe to eServices.
Once you complete the Registration the below message will appear on your screen.
- You will receive an email in your inbox wherein you would be requested to confirm the registration by clicking on the Confirm Registration button provided in the email.
Once you click on the Confirm Registration, the page will redirect you towards the les.gov.mt and the following message is prompted. At this stage you need to click on Continue Registration button as per screenshot hereunder
The page will then prompt the Contract for you to validate and you are requested to click on Confirm Agreement
A pop-up window will inform you of the successful registration of eServices
- You will then receive an email informing you of the account activation and it would also include a copy of the agreement for your perusal.
I already have an account on les.gov.mt and I also have an e-ID account, however I never registered for eServices, what should I do?
In this case we suggest that you login in using your ID Registration. Navigate to Manage Account and Tick the box to register for eServices and click the Update Account Details button. Continue the process as per screen instructions. eServices are enabled upon verifying the agreement online.
I registered however the website is telling me that the email address does not match, what does this mean?
This is more for informational purposes however it means that the emails of the e-ID and the e-Services do not match. If you want to change the e-ID email address to match the one set on eServices, you can proceed by logging on to your e-ID and amend email address according to their procedures. If you want to change the email set on e-Services, all you have to do is send an email onto helpline you will be provided with a form which needs to be signed, scanned and sent back on helpline for processing.
How do I change my Personal Information?
- Log in using your eID.
- Click “Manage Account” (at the top right).
- Edit the necessary details. (Please note that email address, ID No, name and surname and mobile number may not be amended. You are kindly being requested to send an email onto helpline with the current details and the updated details together with your ID Card. You will then receive an email which would include a form with the current/updated details, and it would need to be vetted and signed for from your end. Once this is done, kindly scan and send the form back onto helpline)
- Click the “Update Account Details” button.
For more questions in relation to eServices please refer to the following FAQ’s under the title My Account
How do I change my email/mobile information (eID Users only)?
- Log in using your eID.
- Click “Manage Account” (at the top right).
Edit the necessary details. If you want to edit the address, you can just edit and proceed to step 4 hereunder.
If you want to edit the mobile number and/or email address kindly follow the below steps:-
From the Manage Account you now have the option to change the email address and/or mobile number as per screenshot hereunder.
- If you click on either the Change Mobile Number or Change Email Address you will have to choose whether to proceed by clicking either Yes or No.
- If you click on Yes, then another window is prompted for you to enter the new email/new mobile number and you must also confirm the entries by entering once again. Once the entries match, the save button will be enabled.
- When you click on the Save button, a notification is sent via email. In the case where you change your mobile number only, then the email is sent to the original email address, whereas when you change your email address, the said notification is sent to the new email address.
- It is important to note that the notification via email expires within 15 minutes, hence it is of utmost importance that this process is completed within the stipulated timeframe accordingly. If you do not manage to complete the process, you would have to start again from the beginning, by following the above mentioned steps.
- If you click on the link provided in the notification email sent, within the 15 minutes, then you will be requested to sign in with eID to confirm the changes you requested.
- The changes requested will be updated upon next eID login. If you changed the email address then you should login with the new email address.
- Also note that the new email address cannot be assigned to another eID user, therefore there can’t be 2 accounts having the same email address on eID
From the Manage Account you now have the option to change the email address and/or mobile number as per screenshot hereunder.
- Click the "Update Account Details" button.
For more questions in relation to editing details through eServices please refer to the following FAQ’s under the title My Account
My Account
Why Should I Register With les.gov.mt For eServices?
By registering for eServices with les.gov.mt, you will benefit from additional free services such as receiving online summons and all tribunal documents via email instead of receiving them at your home or office, email or sms notifications on issue of fine, viewing and paying of multiple contraventions, email reminders of fines due and of tribunal hearings, delegation to manage your fine payments and many more features.
How Do I Register For eServices?
If you are already a registered user, you do not need to register again. All you need to do to register for eServices is to:
- Click the “Login” image from the Home page or click the “Sign In” (at the top right).
- Enter the registered email address and password in the relevant fields.
- Click the “Login” button or hit “Enter” to sign in.
- Click “Manage Account” (at the top right).
- Tick the box to register for eServices.
- Click the “Update Account Details” button.
- Upon Update Account Details button click, the Delivery Address page is loaded.
- Enter delivery address and preferred time, should you wish the agreement is delivered at a place and time convenient to you (other than the residential address).
- Tick the “Use current residential address” tick box, should you wish the agreement to be delivered at your residential address.
- Click the “Register” button to complete the registration.
- A successful registration message populates.
- will also receive a registration confirmation email from registrations@les.gov.mt.
- Follow the instructions sent via email, in order to complete the registration process.
- Upon completion of your registration, you will be able to pay contraventions and lodge Petitions online.
- We will contact you via phone or email to set up an appointment with one of our officials.
- Our official will deliver the agreement for you to sign. (Please make sure that your ID card is available).
- It will take up to one to two working days for eServices to be available, once the agreement is signed.
If you are not a registered user:
- Click on “Register for eServices” image from the Home page or click the “Register” (at the top right).
Enter ID card number in the “ID Card” field and click “Search” or hit “Enter”.
- NOTE: ID card number should be entered in the following format (without any spaces between the digits and the letter and without any brackets) 111111M
ID card details populate in the relevant fields.
- Click the “Edit Address” link, below address details should you wish to edit the address details.
- Edit the necessary details.
- Tick the box to confirm that name and address details are correct.
- Enter mobile number, Email address, Confirm Email address, Password and Confirm Password in the relevant fields.
- Click the “Terms and Conditions” link, to read the Terms and Conditions.
- Click the “Privacy Policy” link, to read the Privacy Policy.
- Tick the box to accept the user agreement and to confirm that you have read the privacy policy.
Click the “Register” button to register. (If any of the details are missing or the system recognises any incorrect information, you will be prompted to enter the correct details).
- Upon registration, the Delivery Address page is loaded.
- Note: steps 9 and 10 are irrelevant should you opt to untick the box for eServices registration.
- Enter delivery address and preferred time, should you wish the agreement is delivered at a place and time convenient to you (other than the residential address).
- Tick the “Use current residential address” tick box, should you wish the agreement is delivered at your residential address.
- Click the “Register” button to complete the registration.
- A successful registration message populates.
- You will also receive a registration confirmation email from registrations@les.gov.mt.
Follow the instructions sent via email, in order to complete the registration process.
- Upon completion of your registration, you will be able to pay contraventions and lodge Petitions online.
- We will contact you via phone or email to set up an appointment with one of our officials.
- Our official will deliver the agreement for you to sign. (Please make sure that your ID card is available).
- It will take up to one to two working days for eServices to be available, once the agreement is signed.
How Do I Login?
- Click the “Login” image from the Home page or click the “Sign In” (at the top right).
- Enter the registered email address and password in the relevant fields.
Click the “Login” button or hit “Enter” to sign in.
- If your account has been activated, you may make use of all eServices available.
- If you have not yet registered for eServices, you may do so by following the “How do I register for eServices” instructions.
How Do I Change My Personal Information?
- Log in using the registered email address and password.
- Click “Manage Account” (at the top right).
- Edit the necessary details. (Please note that email address, ID No, name and surname and mobile number may not be amended. You are kindly being requested to send an email onto helpline with the current details and the updated details together with your ID Card. You will then receive an email which would include a form with the current/updated details, and it would need to be vetted and signed for from your end. Once this is done, kindly scan and send the form back onto helpline)
- Click the “Update Account Details” button.
What Happens If I Forget My Password?
- Click the Login Image from the Home page or click the “Sign In” (at the top right).
- Click the “Click here to reset your password” link, below the “Login” button.
- Enter the registered email address in the “Enter Email” field.
Click the “Reset Password” button.
- A reset password message populates.
- You will receive a reset password email from services@les.gov.mt
- Follow the instructions sent via email, in order to complete the reset password process.
Do I Also Need To Register And Login To Pay A Contravention?
No you do not need to register to pay a contravention. Should you wish to only pay your fine please follow the instructions in the “Payment of Fines” section.
View Multiple Outstanding Contraventions Information
You have to be an eServices registered user, to be able to view/print outstanding contraventions.
- Click the “Login” image from the Home page or click the “Sign In” (at the top right).
Enter the registered email address and password in the relevant fields.
- The list of outstanding contraventions is displayed.
Click the “More Info”
- Contravention and hearing details open in a separate window.
- Print – Should you wish to print the list of outstanding contraventions, click the printer icon at the top of the page.
View / Print Outstanding Contraventions Information
You have to be an eServices registered user, to be able to view/print outstanding contraventions.
- Click the “Login” image from the Home page or click the “Sign In” (at the top right).
Enter the registered email address and password in the relevant fields.
- The list of outstanding contraventions is displayed.
Click the “More Info”
- Contravention and hearing details open in a separate window.
- Click the “Print Contravention Details” button.
View Contraventions / Payment History
You have to be an eServices registered user, to be able to view/print outstanding contraventions. My Contraventions/Payment History allows you to view the history of your contraventions and payments. This section may be accessed via the top level menu by hovering on “eServices”.
Hover mouse on the “eServices” menu at the top and click on “My Contraventions/Payment History”.
- The contravention history list loads displaying contravention and payment details.
Click the “More Info”
link to view the full details.
- Contravention and hearing details (if any) open in a new window.
View Delegated Contraventions / Payment History
You have to be an eServices registered user, to be able to view the delegated contraventions payment history. Delegated Contraventions/Payment History allows you to view the history of contraventions and payments effected on behalf of the person who delegated you. This section may be accessed via the top level menu by hovering on “eServices”.
Hover mouse on the “eServices” menu at the top and click on “Delegated Contraventions/Payment History”.
- The delegated contravention history list loads displaying contravention and payment details.
Click the “More Info”
link to view the full details.
- Contravention and hearing details (if any) open in a new window.
How Do I Add the LES Service on my Phone Home Screen?
Android users:
- Launch the Google Chrome browser and open the LES website.
- Tap the menu button and select "Add to Homescreen".
- Launch the Safari browser and open the LES website.
- Tap the "Share" button and select "Add to Home Screen".
How Do I De-Activate The Account?
Should you wish to de-activate the account kindly contact Helpline on 23318900 or send an email on helpline@les.gov.mt Please note that any correspondence which is still pending (such as Petition Decisions) following account de-activation will still be sent on the email address provided at that time. Also note that in the case of Notification for Hearings (Summons) which were served electronically on the specified email address by means of an e-Summons will be deemed to remain a valid notification at law.
How do I subscribe/unsubscribe from receiving any phone calls/sms notifications in relation to any service?
If you are not a registered user, then you can subscribe/unsubscribe while registering by either leaving the below ticked or untick it if you do not wish to receive such notifications.

If you already are a registered user, then you need to log in to your account and click on Manage Account (at the top right hand corner of the page). Once your profile is prompted, then you can scroll down and tick/untick the above shown checkbox as necessary.
My Pending Summons
View And Download Pending Summons
This feature allows you to view and download all pending summons. You may also sort by headers, by clicking on the desired header.
- Hover mouse on “eServices” menu.
- Click on “My Pending Summons”. The list of all pending summons is populated. All pending summons are ticked by default.
Uncheck any summons you do not wish to confirm and download.
- Clicking the “Confirm” button will confirm that you have read the details.
Click the “Confirm and Download” button to download all pending summons
- All summons are downloaded in pdf format which may be saved and/or printed.
- Summons will be moved from the “Pending Summons” section to the “My Upcoming Tribunals” section, once downloaded.
My Upcoming Tribunals
View Upcoming Tribunals
To be able to view your upcoming tribunals, you have to be an eServices registered user. My Upcoming Tribunals allows you to view your forthcoming tribunals. This section may be accessed via the top level menu by hovering on “eServices”.
Hover mouse on the “eServices” menu at the top and click on “My Upcoming Tribunals”.
- The list of forthcoming tribunals loads displaying details.
Click the “More Info”
link to view the full details.
- Contravention and hearing details (if any) open in a new window.
- Click the download link to download any desired summon.
My Delegates
How Do I Add A New Delegate?
This feature allows you to delegate contraventions in relation to one or more of your vehicles, to someone else, hence delegating the management of your contravention payments. Delegates are allowed to view & pay contraventions on your behalf. To make use of this service, delegates must be eServices registered users.
- Hover mouse on eServices menu
- Click on My Delegates
Click the “Add a Delegate” button to add a new delegate.
- Enter the delegate’s email address.
Click the “Save & Send Invite to Delegate” button.
- The delegate information and invitation status is displayed.
- The delegate will also receive an email.
- The delegate needs to be registered for eServices to use this service. Besides, the delegate also has to accept the invitation sent, which is described in the Vehicles Delegated To Me topic.
How Do I Assign Vehicles To A Delegate?
Sign in and go to “My Delegates” page.
- The list of delegates is displayed
Click the “Select” button to assign vehicles to the chosen delegate.
- Your vehicle list loads.
- Click the “Select All Vehicles” button, to assign all vehicles to the delegate or tick the box next to the vehicle you wish to delegate.
- Click the “Update Vehicles for Delegate (email address)” button.
- Confirm the delegation of the vehicles by clicking the “OK” button.
How Do I Remove Assigned Vehicle/s?
- Untick one or more vehicles to remove a delegated vehicle.
- Click the “Update Vehicles for Delegate (email address)” button.
- Confirm the removal of the vehicle/s delegation by clicking the “OK” button.
How Do I Remove A Delegate?
- Log in and go to “My Delegates” page.
Hover mouse over the “X” next to the delegate who will be removed.
- Click the “X” to remove the delegate.
Click the “OK” button to confirm the removal of the selected delegate.
- The removed delegate is no longer visible in the list of delegates.
Vehicles Delegated To Me
How Would I Know I've Been Delegated?
You will be notified via email when someone delegates you. You will also need to accept the invitation to be able to view the delegated contraventions.
- Hover mouse on the “eServices” menu at the top and click on “Vehicles Delegated To Me”
- Click the “Accept Invitation” button to accept the invitation.
- Click the “OK” button to confirm the invitation.
- Click the “OK” button to close.
Contraventions Delegated To Me
How Can I View Delegated Contravention Information?
You are allowed to view & pay contraventions on behalf of the person who delegated you. To make use of this service, delegates must be eServices registered users. Contraventions viewed in this section are contraventions for the delegated vehicle/s.
Hover mouse on the “eServices” menu at the top and click on “Contraventions Delegated To Me”.
- The list of contraventions for the vehicles delegated to you is displayed.
Click the “More Info” icon next to the contravention to view.
- A new pop up window opens, displaying the contravention details.
How Can I Pay Delegated Contraventions?
You may pay one or more contraventions on behalf of the person who delegated you.
Hover mouse on the “eServices” menu at the top and click on “Contraventions Delegated To Me”.
- The list of contraventions for the vehicles delegated to you is displayed.
- Click the “Clear All Selected Contraventions” button if you are not paying all contraventions. This will untick all contraventions.
- Tick the box next to the contravention/s you wish to pay.
Click the “Pay Selected Contraventions” button at the top or at the bottom.
You may also filter contraventions by vehicle registration number using the “enter registration number” field.
- Enter registration number in the field and contraventions pertaining to that registration number are displayed.
- You may also sort contraventions by clicking on any of the headers.
- The “Payment” page loads, including the amount of selected contraventions and amount due.
You may also filter contraventions by vehicle registration number using the “enter registration number” field.
Enter card payment details as indicated and tick the box to accept the terms and conditions.
- Click the “Continue” button.
- A payment confirmation will be sent via the email provided once the payment is processed by the system.
Contravention / Ticket Information
What Is The Contravention Number?
Contravention number is split into 3 separated by a dash (-) example: xxx-xxxxx-x. When asked to enter contravention number in the fields provided, enter the first digits in the first field, the next 5 digits in the second field and the last digit in the last field.
What Is A Warden Ticket?
The Local Warden prints out a ticket on the site where the incident occurred. All the details of the contravention are forwarded in real time.
Warden Ticket Sample
What Is A Police Ticket?
The Police Officer writes out a ticket on the site where the incident occurred. Police tickets are entered manually into the system. The process may take a while until the summons is generated and sent to the individual charged. Once summons is received either electronically or by post, contravention may be paid.
Police Ticket Sample
What Is An Education Ticket?
Education tickets are issued by Education Welfare officers. Due to the nature of these offences, the person is requested to appear before the Local Tribunal and ticket may only be paid after the Local Tribunal has delivered judgment.
What Is A Transport Malta Ticket?
The Transport Malta (TM) enforcement officer writes out a ticket on the site where the incident occurred. The details on the tickets are then entered manually by TM into the system. Subsequently a summons is automatically generated and sent to the individual charged.
What Is A Summons?
Tribunal proceedings commence, hence, a summons is issued addressed to the offender, if payment has not yet been effected within seven days from issue of ticket, wherein he/she is ordered to appear before the respective Local Tribunal to answer for the charge, details of which are indicated in the summons.
Summons Sample
What Are The Online Hearing And Contravention Details?
The contravention and hearing details may be viewed when searching for a contravention from the “Pay Contravention”, “Lodge Petition”, eServices registered users have the extra free benefit to view such details for multiple contraventions from the “My Outstanding Contraventions”, “My Contraventions/Payment History” and “Contraventions Delegated To Me” pages.
Online Hearing and Contravention Details Sample
What Is The Notice To Pay?
The Notice to Pay is an automatic message which is automatically generated upon delivery of judgment. The ‘Notice to Pay’ stipulates the amount that the offender has to pay in respect of the particular contravention and includes a reminder that if the penalty is not paid within one month an additional penalty of €11.65 will be incurred.
Police QR Code
What is this Police Ticket with a QR Code?
Apart from the usual manual ticket issued by Police, a newer version of the Contravention Notice having a QR Code is currently being introduced by the Malta Police Force (as per sample below).
If this ticket is provided to the offender on the spot or left on the windscreen, in most cases the police officer would have issued the ticket via a handheld and the contravention is immediately recorded on LES. Thus, details can be viewed instantly with the possibility of paying or petitioning the said contravention(s). In the worst-case scenario, details would be available within 5 working days.
Sample of the NEW ticket issued by Police:
Please note that one ticket may be linked to multiple contraventions.
If the user has access to Internet, one can go to les.gov.mt and on the home page screen one can find and click on the “Scan Police Ticket QR Code” as shown in the screenshot hereunder:
When you click on the “Scan Police Ticket QR Code” link the following page is prompted, wherein you can either scan the QR Code or enter it manually as will be explained in the next steps:
How to Scan a QR Code?
- If you click on the icon “Press Here to Scan the Code”, the camera of the mobile/laptop should activate automatically.
- Once the camera is activated you can place the ticket in front of the camera and scan the ticket.
A window is prompted requesting you to enter the PIN as per screenshot hereunder, which is also provided in the ticket (Please look at the sample provided above).
- Then you need to click on Validate PIN.
- Once the ticket has been validated the page will show you the ticket information and you can proceed to payment or else lodge a petition, as you deem necessary.
How to Enter Manually a QR Code
- If you want to enter the code manually then you need to enter the code in the field provided under the “Enter the QR Code Value Here”. The Code can be found on the ticket (please look at the sample provided above).
- Once the Code is entered you can proceed to click on Search.
A window is prompted requesting you to enter the PIN as per screenshot hereunder, which is also provided in the ticket (Please look at the sample provided above).
- Then you need to click on Validate PIN.
- Once the ticket has been validated the page will show you the ticket information and you can proceed to payment or else lodge a petition, as you deem necessary.
If only one contravention is linked to that ticket than the page will show the information of the one contravention linked to that particular ticket as per screenshot hereunder:
- If more than one contravention is linked to that ticket, then the page will show you a list of all the contraventions linked to that ticket. This would mean that the police officer would have issued several contraventions on the same vehicle for different reasons. The screen prompted would be as follows:
I received a notification from a ticket issued by a Police Officer, what would this mean?
- Either because the police handed over the ticket or left it affixed on the windscreen, however you did not scan the QR Code on les.gov.mt within the timeframes indicated on the back of the ticket.
- Or the police could not leave the ticket affixed to your vehicle or give you the ticket by hand due to various reasons such as the police would not have been able to stop the offender on the spot, the driver of the vehicle did not stop when requested to, over speeding or where the officer’s safety was at risk. Such reasons are also listed in the said notification.

You can also take a look at this video as it thoroughly explains the Police QR Codes.
"Payments Of Fines
How Can I Pay A Contravention?
The easiest and most convenient way is to pay your contravention online in the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Please click Pay Contravention to pay a fine.
Alternatively you can pay a fine in cash, by cheque or by Electronic Point Of Sale Card during normal office hours at the administrative offices of any Local Council in Malta or Gozo. You may also settle your fine by sending a cheque (cheques will only be accepted when their value is greater than €20) addressed to LESA (if the ticket has been issued after 1st October 2015).
How Can I Pay A Single Contravention Online?
- Click “Pay Contravention” from the main menu.
- NOTE: You DO NOT need to log in or be a registered user to pay an individual contravention.
- Enter Contravention number in the Contravention number field.
- NOTE: Contravention number is in the following format: 111-11111-1
- NOTE: Some of the police tickets are entered manually into the system. The process may take a while until the summons is generated and sent to the individual charged. Once summons is received either electronically or by post, contravention may be paid. (Refer to “ What is a Police Ticket” information under the “Contravention / Ticket Information” section, to view a police ticket sample)
- Enter the number shown in the image.
Click “Search” or hit “Enter”.
- If contravention reference entered is recognised by the system, contravention details will be displayed. Card payment details fields are also displayed
- Hearing details are also displayed for those tickets which have been scheduled.
- If Contravention Reference entered is invalid, you will be prompted to enter the contravention details again.
Payment may be disabled for the following reasons:
- You have already paid your Contravention fee and the amount that was due will be shown also in the Amount paid field.
- Your ticket has been prescribed therefore no money is due.
- You were judged Not Guilty or you were given an R&A (Reprimand and Admonition) or Withdrawn and therefore no payment is due.
- Payments on Education cases may not be effected, prior to Tribunal Hearing.
- Enter card type (Visa, MasterCard, Quickcash, Cashlink/Premier).
- Enter Card number (without any spaces).
- Enter expiry date.
- Enter CVV (the last 3 digits at the back of your card).
- Enter Cardholder’s Name.
- Enter e-mail address (email address is optional, however, kindly note that it is suggested to enter email address, should you wish to receive an electronic receipt).
- Tick the box to indicate that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions.
- Click the “Continue” Button.
- A payment confirmation will be sent via the email provided once the payment is processed by the system.
How Can I Pay Multiple Contraventions Online?
To be able to view and pay multiple contraventions, you have to be an eService registered user.
Outstanding contraventions may be accessed via the top level menu by hovering on “eServices”.
Hover mouse on the “eServices” menu at the top and click on “My Outstanding Contraventions”.
List of outstanding contraventions is displayed.
List of outstanding contraventions is displayed.
2. You can choose to pay all your pending contraventions with one easy button click “Pay Selected Contraventions” or you may untick those you do not wish to pay.
- The values (at the bottom of the page) for the “Selected Contraventions” and “Amount” increase and decrease accordingly.
You may also filter contraventions by vehicle registration number using the “enter registration number” field.
- Enter registration number in the field and contraventions pertaining to that registration number are displayed.
- You may also sort contraventions by clicking on any of the headers.
Click the “Pay Selected Contraventions” button at the top or at the bottom.
- Contravention/s amount and payment amount is displayed along with the card payment details fields.
- Enter card type (Visa, MasterCard, Quickcash, Cashlink/Premier).
- Enter Card number (without any spaces).
- Enter expiry date.
- Enter CVV (the last 3 digits at the back of your card).
- Enter Cardholder’s Name.
- Enter e-mail address (email address is optional, however, kindly note that it is suggested to enter email address, should you wish to receive an electronic receipt).
- Tick the box to indicate that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions.
- Click the “Continue” Button.
- A payment confirmation will be sent via the email provided once the payment is processed by the system.
What Is A Petition?
A petition is a formal written document which is submitted either by Post or electronically to the Board of Petitions (BOP) in an attempt to get that authority to accede to a request.
How Do I Lodge A Petition?
You can lodge a petition either online or by writing a letter and send it to the Board of Petitions – P.O. BOX 5 Antoine de Paule Square Paola PLA1000.
To be able to lodge a petition online, you have to be a registered user but not necessarily an eService registered user.
- Click the “Login” image from the Home page or click the “Sign In” (at the top right).
- Login in using your registered email address and password.
- Click “Lodge Petition” from the menu at the top.
Enter contravention number in the “Contravention number” field.
- Enter the first three digits in the first field, the next five digits in the second field and the last digit in the last field.
- Enter the identification number (ID Card No) related to the contravention number, in the “Offender ID Card” field provided.
Click the “Search” button.
- Contravention details populate.
- Click the “Lodge Petition” button.
- Write a letter either in the space provided or upload a word/PDF (.doc, .docx/.pdf).
Upload any additional evidence by clicking the “Choose Files” button.
- Attachment file types must be .jpg, .doc, .docx or .pdf. Select the desired file to upload (saved on your personal computer).
Click the “Lodge Petition” button.
- You will receive a formal acknowledgement via email once your petition is processed by the Board of Petitions.
Why Do I Need To Register To Lodge An Online Petition?
The registration process is simple and easy. Without registration we will not be able to keep a record of your Petition. A valid email address is also necessary to be able to receive any correspondence from the Board of Petitions.
On What Grounds Can I Lodge A Petetion?
You may lodge an online petition or a hand written petition for the following reasons:
- When there is an evident mistake in the identity of the offender or in the identification of the vehicle involved in the offence.
- An evident mistake which resulted in the offender being wrongly found guilty of the offence.
- Humanitarian reasons attenuating the circumstances relating to the commission of the offence.
On What Grounds Am I Not Allowed To Lodge A Petition?
You are not entitled to lodge a Petition for the following reasons:
- Ticket has already been paid.
- Ticket has been waived or cancelled thus resulting in an amount due of €0.
- A petition is already currently lodged (whether Online/Manual) on the specific contravention and is currently waiting the Board of Petitions’ Decision (i.e. marked as On-Hold BOP).
- A petition has been lodged online and not yet acknowledged.
- If more than thirty days elapsed from when the contravention was judged by the Local Tribunal (as per Subsidiary Legislation 291.04 as amended by Legal Notice 332 of 2017).
- If another prior petition has been submitted and decided by the Board of Petitions already before/after the Tribunal Hearing. (Only 1 petition before Tribunal Hearing and 1 petition after Tribunal Hearing is allowed).
What Is The Difference Between An Online Petition and A Hand Written Petition?
In the eyes of the Law there is no difference between a petition lodged online and one that is hand written or typed and sent to the BOP by post. The only difference is that if you sent your petition by post you will receive all future correspondence from the Board by post whereas if you lodged your petition online all future communications and correspondence from the Board will be sent to you electronically to the email provided upon registration.
Can I Lodge A Petition On The Same Day That I Have To Attend The Tribunal Hearing?
No, you may not lodge a Petition on the same day that you have to attend a Tribunal Hearing. Petitions may be lodged up to 5 days prior the Tribunal Hearing and subsequently for contraventions issued from 1st December 2017 onwards, a petition may be lodged up until one month after the tribunal hearing has passed.
Can I Lodge A Petition If I Have Already Paid The Fine?
No, you may not lodge a Petition if you have already paid the fine.
Can I Lodge A Petition On Behalf Of Someone Else?
Yes you may lodge a petition on behalf of another person, provided you make this clear in the submitted petition letter.
How Long Does It Take To receiveAn Acknowledgement After Lodging A Petition Online?
Once you have lodged your Petition online, the processing of your Petition begins immediately. The website will display an acknowledgement informing you that the petition has been lodged successfully. However a formal acknowledgement will be sent once your Petition has been reviewed by the Board and you will be informed whether the petition has been accepted for further processing or rejected as the case may be. This process might take up to 2 working days
If your Petition was sent by post, you will receive an acknowledgment letter in the post informing you that your Petition is valid and is being considered or whether it was invalid and Not Taken Cognizance of.
How Long Does It Take To receiveA Decision After Lodging A Petition Online?
The Board usually takes around 4 weeks to decide the outcome of a Petition; however this all depends on the particular case.
Will I Still receiveA Summons If I Have Lodged A Petition?
In some cases due to timing issues you may still receive a Summons.
Do I Still Need To Attend The Tribunal If I Have Lodged A Petition?
No you do not need to attend the Tribunal until you receive a decision from the Board of Petitions. All proceedings against you are temporarily suspended until a decision by the Board is reached.
What Happens If My Petittion Is Rejected By The Board Of Petitions?
If your case has been rejected by the Board, should you wish, you will also then be able to subsequently contest your case in front of the Tribunal, provided you have not already had the chance to do so prior to submitting your petition. It is your responsibility to enquire about the date and time of your Tribunal sitting.
My Petition Has Been Accepted, Do I Need To Inform The Authorities Myself?
No you do not need to inform the authorities concerned yourself. If your Petition has been accepted by the Board, it means that your contravention has been withdrawn and your fine has become null. Upon the Boards’ decision all authorities concerned are electronically notified of this decision.
What Does It Mean If My Petition Has Been Partially Accepted?
When a petition is partially accepted, the Board of Petitions cannot accept the petitioner’s request in full. This all depends on the specific requests put forward by the petitioner. In general, in such cases, either the fine is reduced or the offender is given another chance to contest the case at the Local Tribunal.
What Can I Do If I Have Been Given A Ticket?
You have three options:
- You can pay the ticket.
- Contest the contravention before the Local Tribunal.
- Send a petition in writing or through the petitions-on-line facility to the Board of Petitions.
I Have Recieved A Ticket. I Went To Pay The Fine But The Local Council Did Not Accept The Payment Because The Record Was Not In The System. Why Does This Happen And What Should I Do Under These Circumstances?
There are cases wherein tickets are not recorded instantly on the system as they are given manually (such as some of the tickets issued by Police and Transport Malta officers). Subsequently, such tickets require some time to be processed on the system and be available for payment. Please note that unless the contravention is judged on the day of the hearing the fine will not increase.
I Have Sent A Cheque To Pay My Fine. However, I Was Given A Sentence Of ‘Guilty-No Show’. Why Does This Happen?
When paying by cheque, you are always advised to follow up the cheque-payment and we strongly advise you to effect payment by cheque at least two weeks prior to the Tribunal Sitting date. Cheques will only be accepted when their value is greater than €20. The most common reasons why you were given a sentence of 'guilty-no show' are:
- The cheque arrived after the date of the Tribunal sitting
- The cheque could not be cashed by the Local Council/Region because you did not have sufficient funds in your bank account.
- The value of the Cheque received was less than €20
It is your responsibility to ensure that the cheque was delivered on time and to ensure that you had sufficient funds in your bank account. In such circumstances you can contact LESA on 22474400 for further verification. However, if you have enough evidence to prove that this mishap was due to negligence on the part of third parties, you have the right to appeal within thirty days from date of judgment. On the other hand, payment by cash can help to avoid such instances.
Is There A Time Limit Within Which I Have To Pay The Fine?
In reality, the fine must be paid within seven days from date of issue of ticket. However, the 7-day payment period on the back of the police ticket and on the Community Officer tickets refers to the initiation of tribunal proceedings and therefore you will not incur any further fines or penalties even though this 7-day period has elapsed as long as you pay the ticket before the tribunal date. Following this time limit, should the contravention still be outstanding, summons will be issued by LESA in preparation for proceedings before the Tribunal and the Commissioner for Justice. However, in the meantime, payment can still be affected and all tribunal proceedings will automatically be halted. If the sitting date has passed, and payment is still outstanding, please note that an additional penalty of €11.65 will be incurred by automatic operation of the law one month after tribunal sentence date.
I Have Paid The Fine After I Recieved The Summons. Am I Still Bound To Appear Before The Local Tribunal?
No, there is no obligation to appear before the Local Tribunal if you have paid the fine after receiving the summons. However we recommend you contact the Local Council / Region concerned to confirm the receipt of payment, alternatively you can also send an email to helpline@les.gov.mt or contact us 23318900.
I Have Recieved A Ticket For A Contravention In Respect Of A Car Which Is No Longer Mine. The New Owner Has, Presumably Not Made The Required Transfer. What Is My Position?
First of all you should check with the Licensing Department whether the actual transfer has been made. If you have all the relative documentary evidence then you should contest your case before the Local Tribunal on the date appointed or by sending an online petition or in writing to the Board of Petitions.
Can I Be Served With A Summons When In Actual Fact I Never Recieved A Ticket?
According to the Commissioners for Justice Act, tickets, where practicable, should be given to the offender. If the contravention involves a motor vehicle, the ticket should be affixed to the windscreen of that vehicle. However, if it is not possible for the Enforcement Officer to hand the ticket to the offender or to affix it to the windscreen, the ticket can also be posted to the offender if not affixed and same ticket has to be posted within 48 hours.
How Will I Be Served With A Summons?
A copy of the Summons has to be delivered either:
- By delivering a copy to the offender in person,
- By leaving a copy at the place of residence or postal address of the offender with the offender himself or with any member of the family or household,
- By leaving a copy at the business of the offender with the offender himself or with any person in his service or his attorney or person authorized to receive his mail,
- By leaving a copy at the place of work of the offender.
- Publication:
- name and surname of the offender,
- the ID card Number of the offender,
- place of the Tribunal sitting,
- date and time of the sitting and
- the alleged offence.
Can I Choose To Appear Before Another Local Tribunal?
No, you cannot choose to go before another Local Tribunal.
What Happens If I Cannot Attend Before The Tribunal On The Date Indicated By The Summons?
You should contact the respective Tribunal for further assistance. For a list of contact numbers for the respective Tribunal please click here.
Do I Incur A Higher Fine If I Contest My Case Before The Local Tribunal And I Am Found Guilty?
This is not necessarily so. The amount of the fine is at the discretion of the Commissioner for Justice.
I Have Recieved A Notice To Pay In Which I Am Informed That I Have To Pay The Amount Of €X In Respect Of Contravention Number XXX-XXXXX-X. I Am Sure That I Had Paid The Respective Fine. What Can I Do?
You should contact the relevant Local Council or Region wherein you explain the circumstances of the case and also present any documentation which confirms your account. You should check from Pay Contravention wherein if the contravention is paid, the Amount Paid would be showing the actual amount paid of the said contravention.
Can I Appeal From The Sentence Delivered By The Local Tribunal?
Yes, you can file an appeal before the Court Of Magistrates within thirty days from the day of delivery of judgment. The appeal has to be lodged with the Registry of the Court after paying the relevant fees. You may also contact the respective region for more details.
I have registered my contact number with the Agency and gave my consent for LESA to contact me prior to having the vehicle towed. What are the procedures adopted?
In the case where the vehicle is causing obstructing by any means, our staff will put in their best efforts to contact the registered owner of the vehicle. LESA’s staff will also allow, wherever possible, some time for the owner to remove the obstruction, without towing the vehicle. In such instances the time allowed does not usually exceed the 30 minute timeframe, however this depends on the given circumstances and the level of inconvenience and/or obstruction caused by the vehicle.
If the vehicle is moved immediately or within the specific timeframe allowed by the officer, the vehicle will not be towed, however the owner may be liable to a contravention in relation to obstruction. If the owner is not reached, or the vehicle causing the obstruction is not removed within the timeframe allowed, then the vehicle would be towed in compliance with current procedures.
Can I Appeal a Towing Ticket?
LESA implements an internal appeal procedure apart from the legally-established rights of redress before the Courts of Law.
Procedures for appeal are as below;
- Within thirty (30) calendar days from the towing, the client may submit a written appeal to the Agency.
- The written appeal is to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency by email on towing.appeals@lesa.gov.mt.
- The Appeal shall be considered by a Board purposely set up for the determination of such appeals.
- The outcome of the appeal shall be communicated to the client by the Legal Consultant of the Agency.
- In the case of partial / acceptance of the appeal, the client shall be reimbursed accordingly by the Agency.
Driving License Penalty Points
General Information
General Information
As of 1st December 2017, new legislation has come into force, whereby penalty points previously applicable to drivers holding a Probation Driving License only are now applicable to all drivers. Only offences listed in the Sixth Schedule of Subsidiary Legislation 65.18 which was amended by
Legal Notice 331 of 2017 are subject to penalty points. For the full list of contraventions which are subject to penalty points please click
The eServices platform on les.gov.mt gives you full control over contraventions issued on your name and on vehicles owned by you. Once you register to become an eService user, you are able to pay multiple contraventions online, receive notifications upon ticket issued and reminders of upcoming tribunal hearings. In the case of contraventions subject to penalty points, you may also request an amendment online (by filling in a declaration form) for the contravention to be issued on the actual driver of the said vehicle. You may also delegate the responsibility of vehicles to another person/company and assign vehicles directly to appointed drivers.
What Are The Contraventions Subject To Penalty Points?
The contraventions subject to penalty points can be viewed here
What Can I Do If I Wasn't Driving The Vehicle When The Contravention Was Issued?
In the case where the contravention was issued on the owner of the vehicle, rather than the driver of the vehicle at the time of the contravention, a declaration can be made wherein you state who the driver of the vehicle was at that particular date and time. The declaration must be done within 21 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUE OF TICKET and it can only be done if contravention has not yet been settled.
What Is The Next Step After Signing The DeclarationForm?
Once the declaration is signed by both the owner of the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle, the declaration is then uploaded online together with the driver’s Driving License as explained below, the contravention will be amended to the driver of the vehicle and the summons is issued on the driver of the vehicle. It is of the utmost importance that all details are legible and filled out with the correct data.
What If The Driver Doesn't Want To Sign The DeclarationForm?
If the declaration is signed by the owner of the vehicle only, the declaration should still be uploaded online as explained below, however the contravention will remain on the owner of the vehicle. In this case, the driver of the vehicle will be summoned as a witness at the scheduled Tribunal Hearing and the contestation can only be done at the scheduled Tribunal Hearing. It is of the utmost importance that all details uploaded on line are legible and filled out with the correct data.
How Do I Download The Declaration Form?
You can download the declaration from the link provided Download Declaration (Link). Alternatively the Declaration form can be found as follows:
- Hover mouse on Driving License Penalty Points
Download Declaration Form [MT Link, (
Klikkja hawn biex tniżżel l-eForm ta` Dikjarazzjoni (Verżjoni Bil-Malti))]
[EN Link, ( Click here to download Declaration eForm (English Version))] - Once you click on the link to download the eForm, you will be re-directed to the below page
- Scroll down to the end of the page wherein you will find the word Apply
- Click on the word Apply and the declaration form will be prompted on another page

What If The DeclarationForm Is Not Accepted?
If the details on the declaration are illegible or incorrect or the documents (such as the Driving License) are not received, you will receive an e-mail/phone call/letter informing you accordingly and if there is enough time within the 21 day period from date of issue of ticket, then the declaration form can be uploaded once again.
If I Own A Car Leasing Company, Which Is The Procedure I Should Adopt?
If you own a Car Leasing Company wherein the vehicles are leased for short periods you can adopt the same procedure as above, however apart from uploading the Drivers` License, you will be requested to upload the rental agreement. The rental agreement should clearly show the details of the driver together with the note wherein it clearly states that any contraventions issued during the lease period would be the driver’s responsibility. You can also opt to register for eServices whereby you will have the function to assign drivers, instead of using the declaration form for each and every rental.
What If The Leasing Is For Long Periods?
If you lease vehicles to other companies for long periods of time, then your option would be to register for eServices. With this option you will be able to assign the vehicles onto the person who signed the rental/lease agreement, and the latter will be able to re-assign particular vehicles to appointed drivers. The appointed drivers need to be maintained on a regular basis, in order for contraventions to be issued on the correct driver.
In order to assign appointed drivers, you would need to fill in the Vehicle Declaration Form which will be requested upon linking the vehicle to the assigned driver.
How Will The Contravention Be Amended To The Appointed Driver?
Once this process is complete, it is declared that, with effect from that date (the date when the appointed driver was assigned from your end), the contravention in relation to Speed and CCTV will automatically be issued in the name of the appointed driver indicated as the actual driver on condition that full details are given and relative documents are attached. This process will only be applied to contraventions where the driver of the vehicle could not be identified, such as contraventions issued via Speed Cameras adn CCTV`s
How Do I Assign Vehicles To A Driver Or The Person Who Siged The Rental / Lease Agreement?
You can assign vehicles to the driver or to the person who signed the rental/lease agreement by following the procedure of assigning Appointed Drivers further below.
If The Vehicles Are Owned By The Company However The Vehicles Are Registed In My Name With Transport Malta?
You would need to register for eServices for the Company to be able to have full control over its fleet. eServices gives you the ability to delegate responsibility to different persons, hence you can have your fleet split according to various departments and delegated accordingly. Furthermore you or your delegates can assign Appointed Drivers as explained below
How Do I Assign Appointed Drivers?
For you as a Company and a registered owner with Transport Malta and as a registered eServices user, you can appoint a driver for each and every vehicle by following this procedure:
- Go to My Vehicles under the eServices Menu
- From this page you need to click button “Click here to Appoint Drivers”
- You can view appointed drivers or click the “Add an Appointed Driver” button to add a new driver Select Vehicle and click on Appointed Driver
- You will need to fill in the details of the Appointed Driver and upload copy of the driver’s Driving License and/or relevant documentation and click “Save Appointed Driver” button. The e-mail address is mandatory, so as to be able to notify the Appointed Driver, that he/she has been appointed as a driver of that particular vehicle from the owner of the vehicle.
- The Appointed driver is now visible in users “My Appointed Drivers” page and the select button under the “Assigned Vehicles” column needs to be clicked to choose vehicles.
- All vehicles registered are displayed. You can select all vehicles or search for particular vehicle and tick the Assign checkbox near the vehicle(s). You need to click on the “Update Vehicles for Appointed Driver” button to save changes.
- Once you select the vehicle the following notification is prompted and you need to click on OK.
- You will need to enter the dates if applicable and at this point you will be requested to upload the Vehicle Declaration Form
- Once you click OK the following pop up will be prompted and then you click OK.
- Then you would need to press the Update Vehicle button shown hereunder.
- The following pop up will be prompted and once you click OK the window will close and the appointed driver would have been successfully updated.